Mike Bisceglia is known for his voice.

Better known as Mikey B on 106.1 The Corner, he is “the voice of Virginia baseball,” bringing sports news to the eager ears of Charlottesville residents (whether they are hanging out on the Corner or not).

It should come as no surprise, then, that when Mike found a creative medium outside of his professional career, he didn’t turn to photography, writing, or video production, but to podcasting, without question the future of radio.

Freeing himself of the constraints of public radio’s rules and regulations, Mike turned to podcasting as a means of personal expression. His new site, cvilleconnect.com, brings together Central Virginia podcasts (and podcasters) in a collection of audio segments on topics ranging from beer and food, to sports and entertainment. Mike’s own show, with Brad Savage of 106.1 The Corner, is “just two guys talking about life.”

Anyone can submit a podcast, whether it has been recorded on an IPhone or cut in a professional studio, and have it featured on the site. All of the content is free for download to the public and is compatible with all MP3 players. [Or, if you’re like me, you can even listen to it streaming online while you grade papers, cook dinner, or type up blog posts.]

If you’ve ever thought about taking your blog to an audio level, or have simply harbored fantasies of being a radio morning show host since you were a kid,* then CVILLE CONNECT is for you. Mike even offers 60 minutes of studio time—enough to record four short (some might say perfect) podcasts—for a fee of $300.

*I’m not saying I did. Or still do.

Want to find something new to listen to while churning out reps in the gym tomorrow or for your much-too-long commute home this afternoon? Check out cvilleconnect.com.

Interested in learning more about turning your musings into a personal podcast? Contact mike@cvilleconnect.com.

Sarah Pember