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Guest posts are open to ALL Virginia Blogger Members. We will also consider local event announcements. If you are not a Virginia Bloggers Member, please click here to join before submitting your guest post.
I will email the pictures to whomever needs them. 🙂
Starting a business is not a piece of cake. It’s a tough job, which should be properly planned everything from the name of the business goals and strategies . A single wrong step can divert you from your path to success. The most important of all advertising is to be noticed. This is the era of globalization is , where there is competition for everything and without proper promotion of your business will have a difficult time standing firmly and reaching the pinnacle of glory. Often, in the process of marketing either forget or consider trivial an important element which is the ” Logo “.
All priciing should be derived of how much your costs will be plus how much you want to make.
Since we do lots of rof repairs we have been able to put average pricing on various kinds of repairs, but ultimately it boils down to time + material. Time is our hourly rate which iincludes burdens and much of our over head. Materials is obviously the cost of materials plus a wee bit of markup.
having said that, never do a job again without first discussing how you will be paid. If a job is too tricky to bid give a Time and Material price… “”I’m going to charge you $XX.XX per man hour for myself and if I use a helper, his hours as well. I am going to also charge you the cost of materials, I won’t mark up the materials but will charge you my time to pick up any materials necessary.”” or “”I am going to charge you $XX.XX per man hour for myself and my helper plus the cost of materials + 15%.””
I don’t know what a salvedge roof is, thinking you are talking about a 90# mineral roll which shouldn’t be used on sloped roofing anyways, but I charge about $25 per linear foot to tear up, ice shield, and re shingle valleys. Obviously there are minimum charges involved. roofing company herndon va
With quick math I came up with my hourly rate X 6 hours plus my cost for materials plus my mobilization fee for travel time and time spent putting together proposals and invoices and asking on forums how much i shold chare 🙂 so I came up with $670. These are my charges and should in no way effect what you are worth or should charge. Only you know your hourly rate.
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Our dedicated and well-trained roofing specialist at Reston Roofing guarantee to provide quality service and ensure that your roofing issues will be fixed in quick time with less inconvenience to you and your family.
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