Thanks to everyone that came out to the meet up in Richmond tonight!

virginia blogger meet up at Chuy'sFrom Left: Stephanie, Judy, Samantha, Ashley, Mallory, Lindsay, Liz, Robin, Lauren

Stephanie: @ My Freckled Life

Judy: @ Anthrofashionist

Samantha: @ Designer in Teal

Ashley: @ Attempts at Domestication

Mallory: @ Mal Smiles

Lindsay: @ Neat As You Please

Liz: @ I Heart Vegetables

Robin: @ Our Semi-Organic Life

Lauren: @ Fizz and Frosting

We had a great time chatting over Mexican food, about blogging, families, Virginia, and our lives outside of the internet. Always a good time 🙂

If you’re interested in hosting an event, shoot us an e-mail at and we’ll help you set something up!