photo 1Hello all of my fellow fabulous Virginia Bloggers! I’m Bethany, a goofy health and wellness blogger over at The Classy Bee, swing on by my little bloggy blog and introduce yourself! I love bloggy friends! (Seriously…you make my world go round.) I’m so happy to bring you a delish protein pancake recipe I swiped from my boyfriend…shhh don’t tell him.

I don’t know what I like more, dating someone who eats healthy or dating someone who loves to cook. Matt makes me these awesome protein pancakes for breakfast all the time, and I thought I would be generous and share his recipe.

Matt's Protein Pancakes


I housed every single one of these guys.

Enjoy! They’re super tasty and the almonds satisfy the crunch cravings! Let me know if you give ’em a whirl, and I hope to hear from you all soon 🙂

