Hey Northern Virginia bloggers! Listen up! We are having a meet up in Arlington! Details below:
What: Virginia Blogger Meet Up
Where: Bayou Bakery (1515 N. Courthouse Rd.)
When: Saturday, May 18th @ 3pm
RSVP: For questions, leave a comment below and our DC ambassador Rana, will answer your questions!
Meet ups are a great way to meet new bloggers in the area. Feel free to bring your camera and business cards! For other meet up ideas, please e-mail us at virginiabloggers@gmail.com and we’ll see what we can do!
Oh, I might me able to make it!
I’m IN!!! This place is delicious!
Awesome! Can’t wait to see you!
I’m so bummed! I won’t be in town this weekend 🙁 enjoy everyone!
Great to see some people can make it! Sorry those who can’t! Will definitely have another one soon enough!
I’m planning to come! I’m excited to meet some other bloggers – this is my first meetup!
Looking forward to meeting everyone today!