In case you haven’t noticed, the Virginia Bloggers list is getting long!
Seriously, go take a look!
Since we have so many Northern Virginia bloggers, we thought it was about time to have a meet up in their area, so we rounded a few people up and grabbed coffee at Northside Social. Not only was the coffee good, but I love any cafe that is active on Twitter 😉
The cafe was cute, and it was fun meeting some new faces!
Photo courtesy of Northside Social
Ethel, Rana, Coco, Ileana, and Ashley and I enjoyed some coffee while chatting about blogging, Virginia, and future meet up ideas. (Bartending class anyone?) Stay tuned for more on that!
Hopefully we can do some more Nova meet ups in 2013. As always, if you have an idea for a meet up in your area, please shoot us at e-mail: virginiabloggers@gmail.com
Virginia LOVE,
I’m sad to have missed out 🙁
Let me know if you need help with your bartending class.. I’ve been bartending at a private club for the last seven years!
No way!!! Oh my gosh. We might need to do a DIY Bartending class at my apartment. For real.
Sounds fantastic!
I wish I could have made it but had a maternity photo shoot I was doing out on the National Mall. I would love to make the next one for sure! ~ Corrie @ travelingheartsphotography.blogspot.com
Hope to see you at the next one!
I wish I could have made it but had a maternity photo shoot I was doing out on the National Mall. I would love to make the next one for sure! ~ Corrie @ travelingheartsphotography.blogspot.com
I wish I had saw this I would have totally come since it was right up the street!
I wish I had saw this I would have totally come since it was right up the street!