Today’s guest, Kristin, is a fantastic blogger in Northern Virginia, who lives life to the fullest! Her journey has inspired many readers, and we couldn’t wait to have her share more of her story with you all today!
My name is Kristin, and I am a blogaholic. I’m also a new member of the Virginia is For Bloggers group, and I’m very excited to be sharing a little piece of my blog and my life with all of you today!
When I started 30-Something and Fabulous a year ago, it was primarily to share my weight loss journey; my focus was on diet plans, nutrition and fitness. Since then, I’ve learned a wealth of information not only about all of those things, but about enjoying experiences as much as food and living life to the fullest. While I am still on my journey, that journey has evolved into a much bigger one for me. I’ve worked with alternative medicine practitioners and life coaches, attended programs and seminars, and read more books, blogs and magazines than I can count. The most important thing I’ve learned is that weight loss isn’t the most important thing; living a fabulous life that nourishes you is, which leads me to today’s question – what is nourishment really?
I’m sure many of you, like me, instantly think of food. We’re not wrong, nutrition is a big part of the way we nourish our bodies. However, it’s much more than food that is low in calories. Nourishing food is food that gives us the nutrients, antioxidants and vitamins that we need to function well. Not all foods are the same for everyone; you have to know how a food interacts with your body to make the best choices. More than anything to be truly nourished, we must strike a balance between food that tastes delicious and we enjoy eating and food that supports our goals of health, weight loss or vitality.
There are other ways to nourish ourselves physically. As simple as it is, staying properly hydrated is key in keeping the body running smoothly (something I really struggle with!). Exercise counts too. Yoga and tai chi are mind-body experiences that provide a different form of nourishment. Though it doesn’t always feel like it when you’re used to being stuck behind a desk for 10 hours a day or glued to the couch every night, our bodies were meant to move. Giving them the movement they need is a a fabulous form of nourishment.
Still, nourishment is even more than that. We can nourish our minds with books and engaging conversations. Do you ever think about the media surrounding you 24/7? Do you make an effort to keep it positive? It can be challenging when so much of the world focuses on the negative, but it’s worth it! It’s nourishing to surround yourself with positivity. Try joining mastermind groups or attending seminars – they’re a great way to stay positive, motivated and to nourish your mind.
We’ve covered mind and body, but let’s not forget spirit. Do you make time for pampering? Do you “indulge” in activities that rejuvenate you? I’ve learned it’s not selfish or shallow to get a pedicure or have a spa day – it’s necessary a way to nourish yourself. Meditation is another way to nourish your soul. And just like we’re meant to move, we’re meant to have connections with others. Close friends, quality time with family, and healthy romantic relationships are like vegetables for the spirit.
What about you? What do you find nourishing? Do you make an effort to nourish your whole self or just your physical body? Be as conscientious about what you feed your mind and spirit as you are about what you put into your mouth, and you’ll be living the fabulous life in no time!