Today’s guest blogger is Colleen, currently a resident of RVA, who blogs life & healthy living. Her blog will motivate you to stay healthy, and make you laugh out loud!ย 

Hello, friends! I’m Colleen, the blogger behind The Lunchbox Diaries. Over at my little piece of the interweb, I gab about things such as being a newlywed, giving healthy living my best shot, and everything in between!

My take on healthy living is, in a word: humorous. I don’t take myself too seriously, and I don’t think you should either ๐Ÿ˜‰

To be honest, I’ve had tons of ups and downs in the healthy living realm. I’ve run a half marathon.

On the other hand, I actually wrote a break-up letter to running – it’s an tumultuous relationship. I’ve found my fitness love, Body Pump – and I struggle with controlling myself around food.

I’m a firm believer that fitness looks different on every body, and that we (I’m talkin’ to the ladies here!) need to celebrate that. I, my friends, will never be a long distance runner or have a perfectly flat belly. I just won’t!

(Editors note: But she does have some sweet guns! I asked Colleen if I could include this picture!!)

And you know what? After tons of hard work, I’m okay with it.

Truth be told, my “being okay with it” fuels my mini-mission with blogging: to help other people realize how awesome they are.

Yeah, that’s right – I’m talkin’ to you ๐Ÿ˜‰

Colleen @ The Lunchbox Diaries

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