Hello lovelies~

First of all, happy almost September! I’m absolutely thrilled to be writing for you guys today– I’m Lauren, the girl behind One of Five. I’m a proud Charlottesville/Fredericksburg blogger, sister to four younger brothers, and student at the University of Mary Washington. With a big family, school (classes start today, eee!), and a busy schedule, I have chosen blogging and a couple little other odds and ends as my outlet to help me stay sane.
I started truly blogging at the end of last year, and have grown to really love it. I’ve always enjoyed writing, but attempted journaling in the past was too much pressure. How is one supposed to address a notebook? Are you supposed to sign your name at the end of every entry? If I’m the only one who’s reading it, am I going to suddenly forget who wrote it and have to check the bottom of the page to realize, ‘Oh, silly me, its signed Lauren! I must have wrote this!” Yeah, no. As you can see I tend to over think things, so add that with a little bit of indecisiveness, and boom: oodles of empty journals and oodles of ripped out pages in the trash can. Sad.
I’ve also loved taking pictures. Of any and everything. Even if they’re bad quality, they’re captured memories. I wanted to share my photographs and adventures with a larger audience, hence the blog.

1. I have an ongoing list of words and phrases on my phone of words that sound good together. Have you ever caught something that someone said, or read something some where and just thought, “man, that was beautiful.” Only me? Oh. Well it helps me remember the prettiness and delicacy of our sometimes not-so-pretty language. Maybe thats weird. I’m not too concerned though.
2. I’m somewhat of a hoarder of all things cute and useless. Not a you-need-to-be-on-a-tv-show-right-now hoarder, but rather a “I’m gonna set this riiiight here so every time I look at it I feel a little ping of happiness,” hoarder. And please, please tell me, who doesn’t like an unexpected ping of happiness?
3. I believe that any bad day can be cured with a little bit of dark chocolate & dancing. Just dance it out and eat some chocolate. Myy motto, mmm. 😉 There was actually a time last year where my roomie & I just kinda flailed around our dorm for a good 30 minutes to relieve some pre-finals stress.
4. And as you can tell from how this post is being written, I love lists. Like actually though. I have a notebook specific for list making and everything.

What do you all do to maintain a busy schedule, ahem… calmly, sanely, happily (insert appropriate word here)? 🙂 Comment below, or feel free to visit my page & contact me here. Thanks for reading! xo

Lauren @ One of Five


P.S. The Fashion Bloggers Meet Up has been moved to Saturday, Sept 8th, at 1pm! More info on the Events page!