Have you signed up for the Moument 10K? It’s one of my favorite Richmond events! I love seeing the city rally together for a race, and the encouragement along the course is unbelieveable! Even if you’ve never run a race in your life, get up off the couch and sign up! You can run it, jog it, or walk it. Either way you choose, it’ll be a great time.

  • What: Monument 10K Race
  • When: Saturday, April 13th, 2012
  • Where: Monument Ave. in Richmond, VA

We’re trying to get an (unofficial) Virginia Bloggers team together, so let us know if you’re planning on running it!

Costumes are encouraged… last year my friend and I went as LMFAO… any costume ideas for this year?

Hope to see you there!

Liz @ I Heart Vegetables