We have a really fun announcement today from Tanesha of Thrift and Boast! She’s got an awesome event planned and we’re hoping to see lots of DC bloggers there! I’ll let her fill you in on the details:
New to the blogging community, I wanted to formally introduce my blog, Thrift and Boast, and self while extending an invitation to the upcoming DC/NOVA Thrift and Boast Thrift Tour on Saturday, November 15th.
My Self: A lover of thrift shops, finding unique pieces, and putting them together to create distinct looks. I am also on a personal mission to share with anyone I come into contact with the benefits of shopping second hand and how it helps our pockets, public and planet. There are so many myths about thrift stores and hidden truths. My goal is to dispel the myths and share the truths. Not only does shopping second hand help our households and the budgets we maintain, but, it allows us to support our local organizations that are helping our communities and keeps our landfills clear. Triple win for all!!!
My blog, Thrift and Boast, is a platform to re-cap my monthly thrift and boast meet-ups at different organizations that make money to support our local communities through different outreach projects; talk about my life experiences with thrifting and a home for my online resale store of beautiful dresses, Discard to Distinct. Whether you are up for a chuckle, a styling tip or looking for a thrifting buddy, this is a great place to start. Thrift and Boast is a way to highlight organizations that need our donations to continue their outreach in our local communities. Most people only know of the main stores such as Goodwill, Salvation Army and now CHKD but, with my help and the meet-ups this gives people other choices when choosing where to donate and shop.
My Invitation to all: Sometimes we need a day away, a chance to recharge and what better way to do it then with good people, an in-transit movie, light refreshments and some shopping. We will be chauffered on a shuttlebus to Northern Virginia to the 2nd Largest Salvation Army, Thrift Store of Virginia, then we will stop for lunch and then in head into Georgetown to visit Second Time Around and Buffalo Exchange. I had a chance to visit all of these stores and each store has something for everyone. Not only will we shop but, there will be raffles and give-aways to include visa gift cards and more. The cost is $50 and is guaranteed to be a good time. Bring a friend or come alone, you are guaranteed to make new friends. To purchase tickets or find out more information go to DC/NOVA Thrift and Boast Thrift Tour. I hope to meet all of you and make some new friends.
For details or questions, e-mail Tanesahbrown (at) comcast (dot) net.